This cell is formed with an aim to give the students an additional edge along with the regular curriculum studies. Many courses that add value to the technical knowledge are going to be conducted in association with the core or reputed training Enterprises. Along with the degree student can improve his knowledge and skill by attending certification courses which will add value to the student during placements and in performance.
This is one of the cells created to produce competent entrepreneurs. This provides a platform for the budding entrepreneurs to learn about entrepreneurship and enhance their skills. EDC helps to share Student's ideas with the world and provide them with tools to develop, grow their thoughts into a successful venture. The cell conducts various programs like Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp, a meet with first generation entrepreneurs, business quizzes, idea generation workshops, entrepreneurship games to instill awareness among students. The cell endeavors to discover the emerging talent amongst students. How to start and run an enterprise, how to approach the government for funds and loans will be taught and interested students will be trained in pilot projects by the EDC.